Executive Legal Search Consultants
Collaborative • Tenacious • Results Driven

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Why Choose MARA?

The MARA Group understands how critical it is to your business to hire the right person and will conduct each step of the search process in recognition of that responsibility.  We have an established track record of building long term relationships with our clients which is the ultimate proof of our capability.  Our clients continually engage MARA to build their organizations because:


We understand that we are an extension of you when representing your brand in the marketplace and value being your partner in building your business.  We are not a volume recruiting shop focused on the “quick deal”.  We make it a point to learn everything about your business and culture so we are well positioned to produce a favorable outcome.


Our process ensures that you spend time interviewing only those candidates with the highest potential for being the best fit.  We carefully screen each candidate and won’t waste your time with the “spaghetti against the wall” style of recruiting.


Our search process is more comprehensive and thorough than others.  It is during the more challenging engagements where our clients benefit the most from our methodology and persistence and where our firm shines. We exhaust the market until we find the perfect fit. Our goal is to find what you want, not to sell you what we have.


We will find candidates you won’t find on your own.  We feel the best candidates are referrals, not ones who are browsing ads and internet postings. We are focused on long term relationships and as such, we have a vast network of passive candidates and referral sources enabling us to identify the best candidate efficiently.


We never give up on a search and pride ourselves on identifying the “needle in the haystack” candidate for our clients.  We consistently receive feedback from our clients that our analysis of candidates and markets are as thoughtful and thorough as they have ever seen.

Who We Are

The MARA Group is comprised of seasoned recruiters who are a successful combination of former practicing attorneys and human resource professionals from the world’s most prestigious law firms and corporations. Our recruiters are relationship driven, which has enabled us to build an international network of clients, candidates, colleagues and contacts.

MARA recruits and places: (1) Partners and Practice Groups; (2) Associates; (3) In-House counsel; and (4) Compliance professionals. We work on both exclusive retained and contingency searches and are fully invested in achieving superior results, recognizing not only how we can influence an organization’s success but also how our influence can affect an individual’s career path –responsibilities we do not take lightly.

Employers – Why Choose MARA?

Candidates – Why use MARA to Change Jobs?